I don’t have all the answers for you. I don’t know what’s best for you. No one can know that except you.

In fact, you already have all the answer within you that you need.

Only you know what makes you happiest and what your truth is. All I can do is teach you how to get back in touch with your intuition and all those answers that are inside you.

The unconscious already knows everything.

Often we only use our rational thinking to solve problems or to find answers. Rational thinking is very limited and often driven by fear about anything and everything. It works when you need to figure out how to go from A to B. It doesn’t work when you look for answers about life.

“What do I really want? Who am I? What is right for me? What is my truth?” When we use rational thinking to find answers to those questions it only makes us more confused and raises more questions. The more you try to figure this out by overthinking and over analysing this, the more you will remove yourself from your truth. 

Then we have our intuition: that gut feeling, which is not logical. You ego will always try to overrule it with it’s obnoxious and loud voice. However, this subtle gut feeling is always right. You only have to learn how to listen to this again and to trust this as your internal compass. 

‘I told you so’

Just think about it. Usually when we get ourselves in a bad situation we actually already knew it beforehand. Something in your gut didn’t feel right or you suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Often it is not in a form of a voice, but more a feeling, a kind of knowing. Often we look back and we think … “shit. I already knew it when I am very honest with myself “. That man that I thought was amazing and turned out to be an asshole. My intuition warned me straight away.

Usually we don’t even hear this because it is so subtle and our ego is screaming so loud that it is hard to notice through all the noise. And when we finally notice it, we still often choose to not listen because we simply want to believe something else.

Divine interventions

All those times you dared to listen to that gut feeling … Magic happens! I remember I was in the middle of my yoga class. I was standing in a complicated yoga pose trying to breath through it when suddenly I very strong message came out of nowhere.

“You have to go to Bali”.

I also remember that I dropped on my mat and looked around with a weird look on my face. WTF was that? There was no ignoring this message. I never got a message this strong and clear. I did not know why but I knew I had to go. The same I booked a ticket not knowing what would be waiting for me over there. 

Not long after I arrived in Bali my lifepath unfolded in front of me, I met the father of my child and decided to move there and started my business.

Or that time when I come back from a long day working at my drowsy, heavily underpaid job and was hating myself and life and ended up crying on the floor with a bottle of red next to me. Again. I asked for a signal … something, no matter what … A signal about how to get out of this situation. The next day, while I was googling something completely different, I came across all kinds of researches about mindfulness and what it can do for you.

It was like a light bulb went on inside of me. That feeling that something just clicks. I found a mindfulness coach that was perfect for me and booked her in for private sessions. Even though my ego said that I couldn’t afford this now. I knew this was my signal, this was my next step. I started to finally trust my intuition. 

It turned out to be the best decision of my life. It gave me my life, clarity and happiness back!

Learn how to open up to your intuition

The best thing you can do is listen to your gut feeling. It is your internal compass. However, you need to learn how to get in touch with this and how to open up to those feelings and messages. When you learn how to surrender and listen you will find all the answers you have been looking for right inside of you. You will get all the clarity that you need and you know which step is next for you.

Meditation is by far the number one tool to get back in touch with your intuition.

Commit to sitting in silence every single day even if you start with five minutes. Then slowly build your time up. Before you start meditating ask yourself the question that you want an answer to. Then sit in meditation and just watch what is coming up. Have a journal next to you and start writing when you finish the meditation. Let the words flow without having a plan what to write. Simply see what is coming up for you.

Another way is to ask yourself the question before you fall asleep. We all get answers through in different ways and if you are a dreamer this might be one channel that communicates with you. When you wake up make sure you have a journal next to you and first thing in the morning write your dreams down.

Ask for signals and become more aware of them. This is why bringing mindfulness into your life is so transformational. The moment you create awareness you start to notice things that you were too occupied to notice before. Know that everything happens for a reason. If you are being guided to a book, article or teacher that resonates with you trust that this is a signal too.

It is about continually practicing to get yourself in a different headspace. To create space for your intuition to be heard. To bring awareness and attention to your intuition. To start listening to your body and know that your intuition is always trying to communicate with you. 

Then it is about blindly learning how to trust that intuition and building up the courage to act on this.

The only thing I know for sure is that everything happens for a reason. If you are being guided to something, an article, a message, a teacher, trust that this happens for a reason. Listen to what your feeling says. You will never regret it.

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