You are a badass at making money! Does this title make you gag a little bit in your mouth? Does it give you anxiety ( reading this book in public, wondering what people will think of you when they see the cover? Then this is probably the perfect book for you. This money mindset transforming book has been a game changer for me and came into my life at the perfect moment. Just like all great books do.

When I started my business I felt very uncomfortable charging for my service. After all, my aim is to help people and to charge money for that felt wrong and I was scared people would think I am just trying to make money off them. I believed in serving the greater good and worked my ass of producing free content, writing blogs, making free courses without expecting much in return. I severely undercharged myself for my services and kept doing that for years. I became so comfortable being financially uncomfortable and actually charging my worth scared the shit out of me. I would rather eat rice and help as many people as possible then just work with a few people and actually have a healthy financial situation.

Until the moment I found myself looking at a clear blue stick that very clearly showed two blue stripes. I was as pregnant as you can be. Around that time my partner invested all his money in his start up and it would take at least two years before he would see any profit from this if we were lucky. I went from just having to make enough money to feed myself and pay rent to suddenly having to provide for a family while having less time to work.

It’s funny how things change when it is not ‘just about you’ anymore. I knew straight away this would force me to look at my one relationship I have been ignoring my entire life. My relationship with money. I knew I was great at my job. I knew I already worked a lot and working more would just not be an option. The only thing that needed to change was my mindset and limiting beliefs I had around money.

When one of your favourite authors published a book about just that you know it’s just divine timing. I got the book, read it four times and did all the exercises religiously.

A love letter to money

Besides being absolutely hilarious, Jen also provides practical tools that will help you transform your beliefs around money. However, first you need to get clear on what they are. If you constantly find yourself out of pocket or have uncomfortable feelings around money you can be sure there are some limiting beliefs stopping you to make the money you deserve.

My favorite exercise in the book was writing a letter to money. Mind you, I knew I had some serious issues around this but had no clue what and why. My love letter looked as follows:

Dear money.

I actually would really love to have you in abundance because I want to do so much things in life. I want to earn a comfortable living serving a higher good by helping women to manage their ‘not good enough’ voice mindfully and choose to let love rule in their life. However, I don’t feel like I deserve to receive you as a return for my work. I do not feel like I deserve you at all to be honest. I remember my father always complained how much I money I was costing him although he paid the bare minimum . How my parents often argued about you. How I felt like a burden that money needed to be spent on me. So I just choose to receive what I need to survive and feel guilty about receiving anything more. I am always scared there is not enough of you. I hate that I need you to survive because I don’t want to be dependent on you since I really don’t trust you. That’s why I am scared to spend you or invest you. Who says you will ever come back? I think people that are occupied with you are greedy and superficial. I don’t want to be like that. I don’t want people to see me like that. I feel uncomfortable and suspicious about you and my strategy is to pretend you do not exist and I don’t need you. I’m ignoring you, but in the meantime I’m slightly frustrated and angry that you ignore me back.



Erm, no wonder there was no money coming in and I constantly undercharged and overworked myself! Besides thinking that to be of true service to other people I couldn’t charge them what it was worth. I also deep down believed that I didn’t deserve money and people would reject me when I would make money for myself. Memories of my father weekly complaining about the fact that I am costing him money came flooding in. This believe that I didn’t deserve to receive money was ingrained in my system so deeply I was unconsciously doing everything to stop money from coming in and sabotage any opportunities to grow my business.

Only if you live your highest purpose you can teach other to do the same

This was one of the most valuable lessons I got from the book. I do not only do myself a disservice by consistently undercharging myself but also my clients. If you want to live your highest purpose you will need the money to support that. If I wanted to invest in my health, in more education, in my own high end coach and grow my business I need money to do that first! If I couldn’t live my most amazing live because I am always broke and overworked. How can I teach others to live their most amazing life? Not only would I need money to grow my business in order to reach more people. Also energetically the exchange doesn’t work if you undercharge yourself because you devalue your own worth. Either I feel overworked and undervalued or the client doesn’t value your service enough and also will not put in the work that it requires to actually get the results.

How much you earn is directly related to self love

In my journey to loving myself I knew my lack of money had something to do with this however I choose to ignore this painful point as long as possible. Although consciously I said to myself that I deserve money because I am good at what I do, I work hard and I serve a higher good and I will spend the money on good causes. My unconscious told me I didn’t deserve this money because it would make me a selfish and greedy person. And guess who always wins this battle? You guessed it. The unconscious will always rule especially when left unattended. Only when I started working on this my financial situation started to change and I changed my entire business structure and allowed money to come flowing in. My mantra every single day?

I love money because I love myself.

Working on this for a couple of months allowed me to work less and earn enough to provide for my family. Simply by shifting my mindset and knowing it is ok to receive back. This is not to say you should start charging insane prices when you have no real value to deliver. It is about checking internally what your service is really worth and aligning with what feels right and both parties get an amazing deal they can profit from.

Basically what I am saying is, if you have any issues around money, don’t wait for a second, get the book here and dive in!

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