Combining a business with a baby

If you have your own business, you probably always feel there is never enough time to finish the never ending to-do list. Especially at the beginning you are constantly hustling to get your business of the ground. If you are already working that much, how are you ever going to combine that with having a baby?

They are pretty time consuming and suddenly take over your entire life and they don’t really care about your schedule.

They got their own schedule and might decide to have a party at 4 am or do a poo just when you are about to walk out of the door and are already late.

Basically, life will not be just about you anymore and also not just about your business. Therefore one of the most common fears of mama’s to be that have their own company is how they are ever going to combine those two? I know I had my questions marks about this one. Running an online program, doing private coaching and organising retreats at the same time I had no clue how I would fit a baby into my already very busy schedule. 

I am glad to say he is one year old now and I have got this business and baby thing under control now. Surprisingly, I am getting more done than ever before! It turns out that once you become a mum you instantly are gaining some super mom powers too. It is just a matter of using those powers wisely and taking care of yourself very well and you will be able to combine your business with a baby while keeping your sanity at the same time.

This is what I discovered about being how to stay happy, balanced and productive as a (new) mum. 

Laser focus

As I just mentioned, once you delivered this little human you get what I call super mama powers. Your entire system prepares you to protect your child and keep your child alive and healthy. This also means that you suddenly have the ability to instantly see what is important and what is just energy draining bullshit. Your priorities massively shift and you will actually wonder what you the hell you were doing before? It is all about becoming ruthless what you give your attention and what serves you and what doesn’t. Things like scrolling through Facebook, unnecessary drama, going to just another party, binge watching television shows or spending the whole day on tasks that barely contribute to your business growth, you will have to drop in an instant. And you know what, it will feel like a relief! You will suddenly appreciate every 10 minutes you can work on your business without being disturbed and be amazed what you can do is such little time, while before 10 minutes wouldn’t feel like enough time to start up your laptop. The hours that you can invest in your business you will have to focus on everything that will make a real impact and let go of the less important parts. 

Delegate or die

They say it takes a village to raise a child and I couldn’t agree more. You might have super mama powers but you have to acknowledge that you can’t do everything on your own. At least not without sacrificing your own well being, which is your number one asset that you need for you baby and your business! In order to grow your business you will have no choice but to delegate. Delegate in your business and delegate in taking care of your baby. Build up a support system around you one way or the other. Get an intern, hire a Virtual Assistant and start working with freelancers. Make sure you have enough friends, family or people you can trust that can help you taking care of your baby and give you a break. You don’t have to do it all by yourself because you will drown and never be able to grow or keep your sanity for that matter. It will feel amazing when you get this undisturbed working time while someone else is taking care of your baby. Just as it feels amazing when you can enjoy your time with your little bundle of joy while you know someone else is taking care of business. Plus, this way you also have the opportunity to take a break and take some much needed time for yourself. 

Energy management

This is a big one for me. We always talk about time management and make schedules and plan our activities. Although I am becoming more and more a fan of planning ahead, I think it is important to leave enough space to manage your energy. To honour how you feel and give yourself the rest that you need. You will most likely experience some nights where you barely get any sleep The next day you will feel like a zombie and see the world spinning in front of your eyes. Give yourself a break. Get a nap. Do what you absolutely have to do and then give yourself a big break. Those plans you had can wait for a better day. If you feel like you have clarity and are in the flow, utilise this and do as much as you can that day. Respect what your body is telling you instead of trying to force it to do what you want.

Be present

If you don’t practice being present you will probably always feel restless and unsatisfied as a result. When you are with your baby you will think about all the work you have to do. When you are working you feel guilty about not being with your baby. When you are with friends you are constantly checking your phone if the baby is alright. Whatever you do, it always feels like you should be doing something else and you can’t keep up with everything. You are not able to fully enjoy what you are doing in that moment. When you are with your child, set your intention to fully enjoy and cherish those moments. Know that there is no where else you should be. That there is in this moment nothing more important than what you are doing. Even when your baby is sick and needs attention all day and you have to cancel your important plans. Let go of all your other things with love and trust that it will work out. When you are working give yourself 100% permission to focus on your work instead of allowing your thought to wander off to your baby and feeling guilty about not being there. When you are with friends or when you have me time allow yourself to fully enjoy this, fill yourself up and know it is okay to give your soul what it needs too. And on that note….

Drop the mama guilt

Mama guilt doesn’t serve anyone. You will have to take care of yourself first before you can take care of anyone else. If you are going down you can not be there for you baby or business either. Make sure you get your you time everyday too. Even if this is only for 10 minutes. Do a mini meditation, stretch a bit, have a power nap, take a bath, have coffee with a friend or whatever it is to give yourself a break and fill up your cup. This is not a luxury, this is an absolute necessity. Be kind to yourself, treat yourself and give yourself what you need so you have enough to give to others. By serving yourself you also serve your child and your business. Remember, you are your most valuable asset. If you want to be a great mum and rock your business, you will have to make taking care of yourself a number one priority.